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Pugao VS vocational school, which is suitable for you

2024-02-22 11:23:38

School-choosing season

Pugao VS vocational school

How to choose?

Harbin Technical SchoolRemind you of the new beginning of the New Year, how to choose a school that suits you is a matter of great concern to students and parents, especially junior high school students, who are facing a crossroads in life: which one should you choose between Pugao and vocational school?

In fact, no matter which path you choose, as long as it is appropriate, it is right。Today, give you answers: What are the differences between them, how to choose, let's take a look!

Concept definition

Pugao: that is, the ordinary senior high school, which is an important part of the high school stage。

Vocational school: Secondary vocational school is an important foundation of vocational education, but also an important part of high school education。Secondary vocational schools include ordinary secondary professional schools, adult secondary professional schools, vocational high schools and technical schools。After graduation, secondary vocational students can choose both ways. They can either find employment on their own or go to higher education institutions for further study。

Entrance threshold

Pugao: There are high requirements for the scores of the high school entrance examination, and the scores can meet the requirements for admission。

Vocational school: belongs to the education for everyone, except for some popular schools and majors, students can enroll as long as they have the intention。

Training goal

Pugao: to study as the guidance, students to learn cultural knowledge, focusing on the cultivation of knowledge talents。

Vocational school: pay equal attention to further study and promote employment。Students studying in vocational schools can choose to find employment. At present, many vocational schools carry out training in a more targeted way, so that students can have one more choice。

Classroom model

Pugao: Mainly in cultural courses, through the examination to evaluate the learning results。

Vocational school: practical operation is the main, theory is the auxiliary。In Heilongjiang Applied Technology School, students can operate in real combat, and the teacher will also guide them hand in hand at any time, so that students can fully master the skills。Acceptance of learning results by stage assessment and skill pk, everyone comments on each other, and contributes to growth。

Employment pressure

Pugao: Exam pressure, competition pressure。Graduates who fail to enter high school or university will face great employment pressure。At this moment, the child has not yet a skill, to employment also need to go to the relevant training institutions for professional skills training。

Vocational school: Supported by technical skills, it has more competitive advantages in employment and can adapt to the employment environment faster。The school has a number of cooperative enterprises, which can provide a broad employment platform for students。

New choices new directions

In recent years, the state has successively issued favorable policies for vocational education and skill talents, and relevant labels such as "vocational education" and "skill talents" have become the topic of people's lunch and dinner。Want to get a successful life, college is no longer a way out, choose vocational education can also achieve a different brilliant life!

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